Migration from Buster to Bullseye on Vagrant

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bullseye-backports is enabled by default on the images from Vagrant Cloud. So, I can use with -t or --target-release flag–I prefer longer version in scripts. I have the following Vagrantfile to maintain this website:

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
  config.vm.box = 'debian/bullseye64'

  config.vm.provision :shell, inline: <<-SHELL
    apt-get update
    apt-get install --yes make lftp docker.io
    apt-get install --yes --target-release bullseye-backports hugo

  config.vm.provision :docker do |container|
    container.run 'miniflux', image: 'docker.io/miniflux/miniflux:2.0.37', args: %w[
      --env DATABASE_URL='postgres://potato:potato@'
      --env RUN_MIGRATIONS=1
      --env LISTEN_ADDR=
      -p 8080:8080
    ].join(' ')

Since, Debian Buster is not getting “feature” updates for a while, I wanted to move to newer version of Debian. I need to put a note in here that I do not store data in virtual machine, so therefore, I can easily delete it and upgrade the machine. With this idealogy, I can easily get new machines.

I also apply the same idea to infrastructures that I am managing. Data resides in one machine and others are nukeable.

Now, time to delete our virtual machine with:

vagrant destroy --force

I use force because I don’t want to answer the prompt.

Now, I need to make a small but pretty straightforward change in the Vagrantfile.

 Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
-  config.vm.box = 'debian/bullseye64'
+  config.vm.box = 'debian/buster64'

   # ...

At this point, I could run the following to make everything up and running. I want to run the first line because I have multiple Vagrant boxes in my machine, so, I don’t want to snapshot older version of the image. The second command is also straightforward.

vagrant box update
vagrant up

In the machine, I run Miniflux. It connects to PostgreSQL that is installed in the host machine. So, I don’t need additional configuration other than setting up DATABASE_URL.

 Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
   # ...

   config.vm.provision :docker do |container|
-    container.run 'miniflux', image: 'docker.io/miniflux/miniflux:2.0.37', args: %w[
+    container.run 'miniflux', image: 'docker.io/miniflux/miniflux:2.0.41', args: %w[
       # ...

   # ...

Because I have done this processes later on (I prefer upgrading one thing at a time), I need to manually upgrade the Docker container with --provision-with flag.

vagrant provision --provision-with docker

Just two lines of changes, I can have newer version of software. I can also do the same thing when I want to test something on testing branch of Debian.